Friday, October 16, 2009

Its been a long time

Its been a long time since I have posted on my blog, but don't think I have stopped painting. My Salamander army is close to being finished. 30 out of the 40 marines in my army are done, my terminators are done and all my tanks are about halfway done. I have 3 solid weeks to get this army done before the next tournament and I must thank my girlfriend for pushing me to get it done. She keeps me on my toes. The only down fall to my army is I have not played tested it yet. It looks like it will work on paper, but that is nothing more then theory. I am a vet of playing Space marines so I am not entering this tournament blind, but I do like to play test before a tournament. Oh well feet first into the fire!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

New list

New List. Tell me what you think?

Forgefather Vulkan He'Stan

Captain Ethan
Thunder hammer

Terminator Assault Squad
5 Terminators
Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields
Land Raider Redeemer

Tactical Squad
1 Veteran Sergeant
1 Flamer
1 Multi-Melta
7 Bolters
Drop Pod

Tactical Squad
1 Veteran Sergeant
1 Flamer
1 Multi-Melta
7 Bolters
Drop Pod

Tactical Squad
1 Veteran Sergeant
1 Flamer
1 Lascannon
7 Bolters

Fast Attack
Land Speeder
Typhoon Missile Launcher

Heavy Support

Total 1665PTS


So the weekend of July 11 and 12th I was in a tournament. The Out of the Basement Tournament. It was a pretty good tournament, there were a few hick ups, but all in all it was good. What I am most happy about is me placement in the tournament. I knew I was doing well, based on the people I was playing against. I just never knew how well I did. 4th place over all! My best showing ever! I can't wait to head to the next tournament. I am planning on taking the whole thing. First Place is in my sights.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Big Plan. The BIG GAME!

So with in the next few month My friends and I will playing a very large game. How large you might be asking? Well I will using all of my Space marines, but how many points is that? Well a rough point tally puts it at about 15,000 Points. Yes I said 15,000 points! So the total size of the game will be around 30,000 points. I will be sure to take lots of pics and try and do a full battle report! I can't wait for this game, I am not sure my friends know how many marines I have (somewhere around 230 Tactical Marines). Man are they in for it.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Painting my Salamanders

In the next few days I am going to be posting pics of my tactical Sqauds. Step by Step from start to finish. I Going to be putting alot of work into them and would love any and all feed back. I am painting this Army for a tournament in Calgary in November, still months away, but am going to get a jump on it now. With the amount of work I am going to be putting into this army I am going to need all the time I can get. Wish me luck!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Thursday, July 2, 2009

So a friend of mine has suggested that we run a tournament for Warhammer and Warhammer 40k. I have always wanted to do something like this, but am apprehensive about how much work its going to take. So many things need to worked, like, Where to have it? What about Terran? What do we charge people to get in? and about a million other questions. Where do you even begin? I think it would be a lot of fun to do, but I am so afraid that all we will do is screw it up. Well we will see how this goes and how the planning goes!